Alberta, Victor - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Alberta, Victor


1926 - 2010

Victor Cecil Alberta of Kenabeek died peacefully at the Temiskaming Hospital on April 6, 2010. He was born in South River, Ontario, on November 17, 1926, to William John Edward (Jack) Alberta and Melinda May McKee. Mr. Alberta married Louise Faulkner in New Liskeard on June 25, 1954. He worked over the years as a miner, horse logger, truck driver, fur trader and hunting guide. Mr. Alberta loved to fish and hunt and well as read, play music, tell jokes and spend time with his family. He is survived by his wife Louise; children Judy (John) Payne, Jerry (Delores) Alberta, Leon (Loretta) Alberta, Peggy (Blair) Hillman and Tammy (Ralph) Robertson; sisters Annie Lorenz and Hazel Skinner; 15 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Mr. Alberta was predeceased by his parents, brothers Hector, Sam and Eddie and sisters Pearl, Elsie, Ellen and Mabel. The funeral was arranged by Perrin Funeral Chapel in New Liskeard with the service conducted by Harold Gerber. Pallbearers were Leon Alberta, Jerry Alberta, Bob Faulkner, Steph Lemire, Blair Hillman and Ralph Robertson. Honourary pallbearer was John Payne. Burial was April 8 at the Rosegrove Cemetery in Kenabeek. Relatives and friends attending the service from out of town came from Rocky Mountain House and Taber, Alberta, North Bay, Timmins, Kirkland Lake, Huntsville and New Hamburg.

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