Kinsey Adam, Ruth - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Kinsey Adam, Ruth



Adam, Ruth ( nee Kinsey ) passed away peacefully at The Wales Home on March 25, 2011. She was 89 years old. Wife of the late Willard Adam and the late Georges Tessier. Ruth is survived by two daughters, Patricia Weston ( nee Tessier ) and Pauline Davidson ( nee Tessier ) and her son-in-law John Davidson. She is survived by six grand children and fifteen great grand children. Also left to mourn are Madeline Irving and family, members of the Adam family, and other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held at the Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St. Sherbrooke (Lennoxville) on Wednesday, april 27, 2011 from 2 to 4 pm followed by the memorial service at 4 pm in the funeral home chapel. Father Pierre Doyon officiating. Interment in the St-Louis de France Cemetery, East Angus at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations to The Wales Home, Richmond, Quebec are greatly appreciated.

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