VAL-D’OR- Passed away on December 16th, 2010 at Centre Hospitalier of Val-d’Or, at the age of 61, Mr. Robert James Tomatuk, resident of Val-d’Or.
Robbie (Robert James) was born on March 31, 1949 in Eastmain, Quebec. He had 8 brothers and 1 traditional adopted sister Clara. He is survived by his twin brother, Clarence (Marion), Charlie (Nellie) and Luke (Isa deceased). Deceased: David (Marion), Samuel (Anne), Josie and Reggie.
Started working when he was 13 years old, (casual worker-maintenance) in the summer time. He started school at the age of nine. He went to residential school in Moose Factory and Sault Ste-Marie, Ontario where he completed High School. He then went to College in Ottawa taking museum technology course. After that, he worked in Ottawa as a museum technician at the Canadian War Museum. He had museum internship training in Winnipeg at the Museum of Man and Nature. He came back to Val-d’Or to work for Grand Council of the Crees /CRA in 1980 to 1984. He then was laid off and decided to run a home care service for Cree patients coming from the north. Throughout his home care service it is estimated that at least 30 000 patients and visitors came through his home and it’s also estimated in all these years at least 15 000 newborns which he considered his grand children.
When Marion and Clarence got married he realized that he will be separated from his twin brother and he remarked by saying what am I going to do. We always talked to each other by phone. When he planned his holidays, he wanted to make sure Clarence’s family be included at least some. Patients who were told that they have appointments in Val-d’Or, Amos and Rouyn they always wanted to stay at Robbie’s Place as their first choice. If it was not possible they called later to check if there was a room available.
When Clarence and Robbie was separated, he had his other brother Josie Tomatuk to be his friend and guide while at the same time, keeping in contact with Clarence. He always offered country food as a good meal for his patients whenever he had the opportunity to get some from the north. He kept his health condition very private while continuing to care for his patients. He would always say I’m ok when he was asked about his health.
His door would always be opened for visitors, patients and friends. He was always up for his patients to be sure that they don’t miss their appointments or rides to the airport for the trip back north. When Clarence’s boys grew up, he would always help out and he would buy them gifts for Christmas and their birthdays. He would always included them on a plan trip to Vancouver. He was like a second father to them. He would ask the boys who their daddy was and to point to one of us. If they did not choose him, he would tell them: I’m your daddy.
He always had a favorite grey top and he would not change it even when a patient told him that she can wash it right away and be ready the same day. He would think about it then he would say ok then I will have one of his employees wash it. Ok.
Our point of view as a twin and family members is that his home should remain open for patients and his home would be called Robbie’s Place. It will be a living memory of his life and what he stood for as a care giver.
We would like to give our special hearty thanks to all his homecare workers of Val-d’Or for their hard work and support in running his homecare services: Lorrain Richmond, cook, Emma Richmond, office work, Virginia Richmond , cleaning + cook, Lianne Richmond, cook, Cecile Lacasse, cook and office work, Wanina Harper, cleaning, Karen Lariviere, cleaning and cook, Debra Gilpin, cook, Henry King, maintenance.