Wilson Mallalieu, Nora - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Wilson Mallalieu, Nora



Passed away at the C.H.U.S. Fleurimont Sherbrooke, on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 in her 87th year. Beloved wife of the late Clement Mallalieu and the late William " Bill " Henry Black. Nora leaves to mourn her daughter Sue ( Derrick ) and her son Jim ( Pam ). She was predeceased by her brothers Donald and Herbert Wilson and her parents Isabel and James Wilson. A funeral service will be held at the Lennoxville United Church, 6 Church St. Sherbrooke ( Lennoxville) on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 11 am with Rev. James Potter officiating. Interment at the Malvern Cemetery in the spring. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Lennoxville United Church would be appreciated.

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