Donnelly, Neill - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Donnelly, Neill


1933 - 2010

Neill Donnelly died Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at The Temiskaming Lodge, after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2005. Mr. Donnelly was born June 25, 1933 at Nellie Lake, Ontario, to John and Lucinda (Neill) Donnelly. The family moved to Kerns Township from Nellie Lake when Mr. Donnelly was 8 years of age. He was educated at Red School House SS#2 in Thornloe. Mr. Donnelly married Shirley Helen Johnson in Thornloe on May 17, 1958. He was a farmer and worked at Wabi Iron Works for 28 years. Mr. Donnelly was predeceased by his parents, his wife Shirley in 2002 and his brother Tom. He is survived by his sister Janie(Lorne) Davis; children Don, Ernie(Tracy) and Lynn; grandchildren Elizabeth, Eric, Emma, Elyse Donnelly and Kiefer Teskey. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Perrin Funeral Chapel. A service conducted by Reverend Michael Fedechko has taken place. Pallbearers were Mervin Neill, Don Johnson, Raymond Peddie, Randy Sorenson and Robert Bowers. Burial followed at Kerns Township Cemetery. Relatives came from Oshawa, Lindsay and Ottawa.

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