Sutton, Mary Lou - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Sutton, Mary Lou

SUTTON, Mary Lou

1953 - 2024

Mary Lou Sutton left this world on December 31st, 2024. She was 71 years old.


Mary Lou was born in Wolfville, Nova Scotia on November 22, 1953 and lived in the Annapolis Valley until her final year of university at Bishops in Lennoxville, Québec where she earned her degree in theater.


Mary Lou moved to Yellowknife for a summer job and fell in love with the North, where she lived for more than 30 years. She called Inuvik and then Greenland home until she settled in Iqaluit. That’s where her three beloved children, Naja, Aqqalu and Nuka, were born. Mary Lou was a single parent from the time her youngest was two years old.


Her professional life was guided by her thirst for social justice, and by her love and respect for the Inuit people and her deep connections with them. Mary Lou held several positions with the Governments of the NWT and Nunavut as social worker, justice worker and community advocate. She was a fierce advocate for children and for women who were victims of violence, and a social justice warrior. She was also a strong and committed trade unionist who took on what seemed to many as hopeless causes – and won.


In 2004, Mary Lou moved to Ottawa to be with the love of her life, Sarah Bélanger, whom she married in May 2009. Mary Lou worked as a Policy Analyst at Status of Women Canada until her retirement.


Mary Lou was diagnosed with dementia a few years ago, and remained loving and brave until the very end. She was a kind and humble soul with a big heart, a witty sense of humour, an unmatched talent for storytelling. Up to her very last days, she looked upon the world with love, kindness and gratitude. She was not naive – she chose this world view. She saw the best in people. All of us who were fortunate enough to cross paths with her felt seen and were better for knowing her.


The family wishes to thank the Unité protétique team at the CHSLD Vigi de l’Outaouais for their outstanding and compassionate care and kindness. Our heartfelt thanks as well to Julie Gauthier who provided amazing care and companionship. Mary Lou was able to spend her final months at peace.


Family and friends are invited to a celebration of her life on Friday January 24, 2025 at Coopérative funéraire de l’Outaouais, 95, boul. de la Cité-des-Jeunes (Hull). Family will receive condolences starting at 5 pm, followed by a small ceremony at 6 pm. Webcast available at :


In lieu of flowers, if you so wish, a donation to YWCA-Agvik Nunavut can be made in Mary Lou’s honour.


Goodbye my love.

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19 messages received


Mes sincères condoléances Sarah a toi et la famille

Martin Beaulieu, January 9, 2025


Ce texte sur la vie de Mary Lou est magnifique ️

Nancy Cormier , January 9, 2025


Quel bel hommage pour ta tendre Mary-Lou. Mes pensées t’accompagnent depuis que j’ai appris cette triste nouvelle. Je te transmets mes plus sincères condoléances Sarah.

France Bélanger , January 9, 2025

Sarah, Naya, Nuka and Aqqalu

I have the best memories of Mary-Lou from my time living in the North. She was such a Union activist and always treated Bob, Laura and me like family. So many times she would meet us at the Iqaluit airport. It did not matter that we might just be passing through, Mary-Lou took the time to make those face to face connections. She loved to share her favourite things about Nunavut and her joy was infectious. I am sorry that she is gone from this life but mine is better for having known her. My love to all of you. . She will be missed.

Debbie McLaughlin, January 9, 2025


Quelle belle personne, je t’offre toute ma sympathie Sarah, à toi, vos familles et tous vos proches

Lucie Martineau, January 9, 2025


Nos sincères condoléances Sarah, je vais toujours me souvenir de la façon donc Marie-Lou décortiquait les homards oh la! la! c'était la pro. Bon voyage Marie-Lou et bon courage à toi Sarah. Xx
Francine et Jérôme

Francine, Jérôme , January 9, 2025


Mes plus sincères sympathies!

Nicole Tremblay, January 9, 2025


Dear Sarah,

I am so heartbroken about Mary Lou's passing. I am so lucky to have gotten to know her. She had a beautiful soul. I will miss her.

I send you a warm hug and lots of courage during this mourning period. It is so hard to lose someone that you love. If you need anything, or you want a break, come and visit me in Toronto.

WIth all of my love and affection

Claudine Salama, January 10, 2025

Sarah, Naja, Aggalu & Nuka

Time and distance has not dimmed the memories of your many happy visits to our home in Halls Harbour.
I often look upon the soap stone carvings that Mary Lou brought to her beloved Uncle Don that he enjoyed so much. Mary Lou was a wonderful human being and will be missed by all who loved her. I count myself in that group. My sincere condolences to all.
With warmest affection,

Judy Saunders, January 10, 2025


Je suis très attristée du décès de Mary Lou
Quelle femme !
De tout coeur avec vous, mes tendres sympathies

Stéphanie langevin yelle, January 10, 2025


La perte d’un être cher est toujours une page difficile à tourner.
Ma famille et moi t’offrent nos plus sincères condoléances.
Bon courage pour la suite.

Colette B.Belanger , January 11, 2025

Sarah, family and friends

Nos sincères condoléances Sarah, votre famille et vos amies (s). Les petits moments que nous avons échangé avec Mary Lou resterons toujours de belles rencontres. Nous nous souviendrons toujours de son rire contagieux. Nos pensées sont avec vous. xx

André et Marie, January 11, 2025

Sarah Bélanger

Un résumé empreint d'amour, de la vie Mary Lou et de votre vie commune. Nous sommes attristés de la maladie qui vous a frappé de plein fouet. Je vous souhaite à toi et ses enfants une continuation en douceur avec l'amour et le soutien de vos proches.

Johanne et Guy, January 12, 2025

Sarah Bélanger

Bonjour Sarah,
Quelle belle photo de Mary Lou! Je l'ai rencontrée que quelques fois, mais je garde d'elle le souvenir d'une femme d'une grande vivacité d'esprit, solide et douce en même temps, qui était à l'aise dans sa vie.

Je te souhaite de garder les meilleurs souvenirs de votre amour et de les laisser te réconforter au besoin. Fais-moi signe si tu as envie d'une oreille attentive. As you know, I've been there and am still there from time to time.

Warm hugs,

Lise Moisan, January 13, 2025


Chère Sarah,
Je t'envoie mes condoléances les plus sincères. Quelle année dévastatrice que tu as eu. J'espère que tu va retrouver la paix intérieure à travers tout cela. Amicalement,
Diana (Bronson)

Diana Bronson, January 13, 2025

Sarah +++

De la part du clan Anctil-Fortier, à toi et aux autres membres de ta famille et de celle de Mary-Lou, notre meilleure pensée, l'assurance de notre sympathie, de ma prière. Sommes avec vous en pensée. J'éprouve de la gratitude à ton égard pour ce privilège d'avoir connu Mary-Lou...Janine

Janine Anctil-Fortier, January 14, 2025


Toutes nos condoléances pour la perte de ta compagne. Nous sommes avec toi de tout cœur.
Rachel Grenier et Alain Miville

Alain Miville, January 14, 2025

Sarah et familles de Mary Lou

Je veux redire ma sympathie à chacun de vous. Sarah, une pensée toute spéciale pour toi m'habite beaucoup ces temps-ci. J'ai oublié de mentionner dans mon précédent message qu'une messe sera célébrée à l'intention de Mary-Lou et en son souvenir, à 11hres am le dimanche 9 mars prochain à l'église Saint Viateur, coin Laurier et Bloomfield à Montréal; à mon grand regret je ne pourrai être avec vous le 24...

Janine Anctil-Fortier, January 17, 2025


Plein d’amour et de douceur durant cette période difficile! Je conserve de beaux souvenirs des mes moments avec Mary Lou et avec toi! Xo

Lissa-Marie Provencher, January 20, 2025