Miller, John - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Miller, John


1945 - 2009

John Charles Miller of Twin Lakes, Hudson Township, passed away Saturday, May 30, 2009 at his home on the lake. Born December 10, 1945, son of Jack and Mary Miller. He grew up in Lefroy, a small town in Southern Ontario on Lake Simcoe. From a young age, the game of golf became his passion. With a golf course in his backyard, he spent everyday on the greens. He moved to the area in 1976 with his wife Linda, to work for Clear Crest Cable and continued his Cable career for 33 more years. His dedication to family, friends, career and community was evident his entire life. He is survived by his wife, Linda Miller; his daughter, Jada Miller; his son, Dustin Miller; his daughter and son-in-law, Leigh and Tom Shrubsall; his granddaughter, Anise Jay Shrubsall; his sister Gerry Miller; and his brother Robert Miller. A reception in John's honour will take place at the New Liskeard Golf Course on Friday, June 5th between the hours of 3 PM and 8 PM. Donations may be made to the Temiskaming Hospital Cat Scan Foundation or Murray James House. Call Perrin Funeral Chapel (647-5020) or visit their website at for more details. A fine man, and a fine friend, he will be sadly missed.

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