Malek Tochman, Janina - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Malek Tochman, Janina


1946 - 2022

TOCHMAN, Janina (aka Jasia)

November 24, 1946 - July 10, 2022

It is with heavy hearts that our family announces the passing of our loving mother Janina on July 10th, 2022 at age 75. Born in Poland, she enjoyed 33 wonderful years in Ottawa after adopting it as her new home. She was a very kind and strong person, committed to her family and community. Gracious and giving host of many fine dinners at her family home, happily attended by family and friends. Her passions were her home, garden, her family and signing in a community choir.

Predeceased by husband Andrzej, Janina loved her family dearly. Survived by her children: Robert and Agnes, and her two grandchildren: Gabriela and Alex. She is also survived by many dear family members in Poland.

After arriving in Ottawa, she bravely started her second professional career working for a high-tech industry. Following many productive years and surviving numerous ups and down in the industry she took her well deserved retirement. She devoted herself to the pursuits of many pleasures of life like travel, family and community work. She will be deeply missed by her family, her friends and the many other lives she touched. We would like to thank doctors and the nursing staff at the Elizabeth Bruyere, St Vincent Hospital for their exceptional care during the stay there, her home for the past 7 years.

Friends and family are invited to take part in the funeral mass and service at the St. Hyacinth Polish community parish 201, Lebreton St N. Ottawa on Saturday July 16th, 2022 at 11 am., followed by a 2 pm reception at the funeral home Coopérative funéraire de l’Outaouais 95 de la Cité des Jeunes Boulevard in Gatineau (Quebec).

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Robert Tochman and Agnes Serafin

Drogi Robercie i Agnieszko z Rodziną. Przyjmijcie wyrazy głębokiego współczucia z powodu odejścia Waszej Mamy. Wspomnienie o Niej zostanie na zawsze w naszej pamięci.
Dear Robert and Agnes with Family. Our deepest sympathy for the loss of your Mother. She will stay in our hearts forever.
Bożena and Jan Serafin

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Jan Serafin, July 15, 2022

Robert et Amina

Robert and Amina, please accept our deepest Sympathy.

Thinking of you now and the days ahead, it’s difficult to lose a parent that is close to us.

Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time
Martin and Nancy

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Martin & Nancy, July 15, 2022

Robert & Amina

Robert & Amina,
We would like to wish you and your families our deepest sympathy. Wishing you loving memories to forever hold in your heart and comfort for the days ahead.
Isabelle, Rheal, Amy & Charlie xxxxx

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Isabelle, July 15, 2022

Robert i Agnieszka

"Nie umiera ten kto trwa w pamieci zywych" . Jasia pozostanie w naszej pamieci jako droga i wierna kolezanka, slowik o pieknej altowej barwie glosu, oddana towarzyszka wspolnych wyjazdow na wystepy, warsztaty i pikniki chorowe.

Odeszla do Krainy Wiecznosci. Niech Jej ziemia lekka bedzie. Rest in Peace, Jasia.

Robert i Agnieszka, prosze przyjac od nas wyrazy glebokiego zalu i wspolczucia.

Chor im. Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego w Ottawie

K. Ribakovs, July 15, 2022

Robert et Amina

Our deepest thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of grief.

May your mother’s soul Rest In Peace.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Hasnaa, Ben, Samy et Adam, July 16, 2022

Amina and Robert

Our thoughts and prayers with you and your family.
May she Rest In Peace.
Fatima Zahra, Mehdi, Lilya and Elyas

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
El Mansouri, July 16, 2022

Robert and Amina

We are deeply saddened and sorry for your loss. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. You are both in our thoughts and prayers. All our best wishes to you

Sanaa, July 18, 2022