Harron, Herbert - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Harron, Herbert

HARRON, Herbert


Harron, Herbert Passed away peacefully at the CHUS, Fleurimont Hospital on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at the age of 84 years. Herbert Harron beloved wife of the late Alice Dundin and dear father of Patricia (Bruno), Debby (Harry), Lynda (Leslie) and dear grandfather of Shania, Shawn, Kevin, Audrey, Dave, Jessica, Tanya and Melissa. Herbert also leaves to mourn his sister Lena (the late Link) and his brothers Fred (Eva) and Harold (Shirley). A funeral service will be held on Monday, March 22nd 2010 at 11am at the Notre-Dame de Liesse Church , Deauville, Quebec . Funeral arrangements entrusted to Maison Funéraire des Cantons, (819)564-9888/ www.casshomes.ca

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