Rudd Stevenson, Hazel - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Rudd Stevenson, Hazel



Died peacefully on Thursday, November 11th 2004 at her daughter's home in Lennoxville, Qc, in her 92th year. Bessie Hazel Rudd, wife of the late Allan F. Stevenson and mother of the late Douglas ( Janet ), Velma ( Richard Eryou ) and Jann. Grandmother of Rob, Brenda, Darlene, Nancy, Ken and Tim and families. There will be no visitation, cremation was held at the Cass / Windsor crematorium, 310 St. Georges St. Windsor, Qc. A graveside service will be held at the Bown Cemetery, Canterbury, Qc on Saturday , November 13th 2004 at 10:30 am. Rev. Barbara Willard officiating. As memorial tributes donations to the Parkinson Foundation of Canada, 4211 Yonge St. Suite # 316, Toronto, Ont.,or to the Bown Cemetery Association, c/o Mrs. Frances Goodwin, 625 Brooks St., Bury, Qc J0B-1J0 would greatly be appreciated by the family.

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