Lafreniere, Guy - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Lafreniere, Guy


1949 - 2010

Guy Lafreniere died in his home on April 19, 2010, in Callander, Ontario. He was born in Matachewan on February 2, 1949, to Paul and Alma Lafreniere. He worked at Sherman Mine while living in New Liskeard, and Miller Paving while living in Temagami. Mr. Lafreniere is survived by his wife Pru, stepsons, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. He was predeceased by his parents Alma and Paul; brothers D'Arcy and Donald. A gathering took place at Perrin Funeral Chapel in New Liskeard and he has been laid to rest at the cemetery in Elk Lake. The family wishes to thank everyone for their sympathy and kindness during this time. Condolences and donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation may be left at

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