Leverre, Eric - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Leverre, Eric


1933 - 2011

Eric Clayton Leverre died suddenly at his home in New Liskeard on March 12, 2011. Mr. Leverre was the son of Ken and Delia Leverre of Uno Park. He worked as a miner and his hobbies included woodworking, musical instruments, baseball, curling, fishing and gardening. Mr. Leverre is survived by his family Madge Leverre, Jesse Leverre (wife Sherry), Lee Walker (husband Ken), four grandchildren and their spouses and six great-grandchildren. The funeral was arranged by Perrin Funeral Chapel in New Liskeard where the service was conducted. Pallbearers were grandchildren and their spouses Clint Walker, Angie and Guy Hamilton, Ashley Leverre, Melissa and Jim Szabo. Burial is at Lakeview Cemetery. Relatives and friends attending the service from out of town came from Toronto, British Columbia, Barrie, Sudbury, London, North Bay and Bowmanville. Condolences and donations (to diabetes and cancer associations) may be left at www.perrinfuneralchapel.com.

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