Bradford, Donald - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Bradford, Donald


1949 - 2010

Donald (Donnie) Earl Bradford died March 11, 2010, at the Laurentian Hospital in Sudbury, after a one-year battle with cancer. Mr. Bradford was born in New Liskeard November 7, 1949, to Harold and Ruth Bradford and educated in North Bay, Ontario. Mr. Bradford had retired from The Town of New Liskeard after 31 years. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He is survived by his common-law partner of 11 years Nancy Rourke; his sons Keith, John and Derek Bradford; brothers Bill, Murray, Howie, Albert and families; grandchildren Keitra, Dagon, Rex, Tyson and Skylar; Nancy's sons John and Sean Marcoux and grandson Marclan. Mr. Bradford was predeceased by his parents Harold and Ruth Bradford. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Perrin Funeral Chapel, with funeral service held March 16, officiated by Reverend Micol Cottrell. Relatives and friends from Canada and the United States attended the service. Condolences and donations may be left at

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