Jones, Bruce - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Jones, Bruce

JONES, Bruce

1944 - 2024

Bruce passed in his sleep in the early morning of December 19th. He is survived by his wife, Lynn MacDonald; son, Philippe Jones (Laura D’Alessandro); daughter, Jennifer Jones (Graham Olson, and their child); brother, Grant Jones; brother-in-law Allan MacDonald (Louise Avon); and brother-in-law Francis Murphy (Sylvia Head); and nieces and nephews. He is predeceased by his parents, David and Muriel; his brother David and his sister Joy (Wayne Dion); sisters-in-law Lorna Jones (Grant) and Diane Murphy (Francis).

A kind and loving husband and father, Bruce lived a full life. Patient, wise, genuine, well-humoured, and creative. A devout, reliable partner, Bruce complemented and supported Lynn throughout their 44 years together.

 A potter for most of his life, he slowed down production in the last few years, but maintained an active creative and constructive spirit. He spent his days painting, reading, and tinkering. He studied and deeply appreciated the exploration of art, a lifelong passion.

Bruce was a loving, calm, patient, unconditionally supportive father. He modelled responsibility, respectfulness, equanimity, honesty, and meticulous work ethic.

Despite never getting to meet his first grandchild, he was already a dutiful grandfather, helping to prepare the house and nursery for the baby's imminent arrival.

Bruce was an early and longtime member of the Ottawa Guild of Potters, and the larger potter’s community in the Ottawa area. He taught pottery classes for children and adults at the Glebe Community Centre for many years. He was also an early and respected member and supporter of the Ottawa Shambhala Meditation Centre.

Bruce will be deeply missed and fondly remembered.

Your sympathies may be expressed through a donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada or The University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

A private celebration of life will take place in January.

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8 messages received

Lynn et famille

Mes sympathies à toute la famille et ceux qui ont eu le privilège de connaitre Bruce; je l'ai rencontré seulement quelques fois mais il était un homme sympathique et je suis désolée qu'il soit parti si soudainement; my heart goes to Lynn and the children; I'm sure Bruce will be in your hearts and will be near you always. Tout mon amour, all my love.

Jocelyne Nadon Hayes, December 27, 2024

Lynn Mac Donald

Nous te souhaitons nos plus sincères condoléances .
En ses moments difficiles.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Claude Michaud et Jocelyne Roberge , December 28, 2024


Je t’offre mes plus sincères condoléances du grand départ de ton amoureux Lynn…. Je t’embrasse tendrement xx

Francine Legault , December 29, 2024

Lynn, Philippe and Jennifer

I am so saddened by Bruce's passing. My heartfelt sympathy and love is extended to you all. You have all been on my mid since learning this news

Bruce was a big part of my early years and I love him without measure. I have only happy memories of my dear uncle.

Love to you all during this saddest of times.

Sharon Dion, December 31, 2024

Lynn, Jennifer et conjoint, Philip et conjointe,

Chère cousine,
Je désire t'offrir mes sympathies les plus sincères pour la perte de Bruce. C'est un décès inattendu pour toi et tes enfants alors, je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage pour traverser cette épreuve. J'espère que la venu d'un petit bébé pourras apaiser vos coeurs et assouplir vos peines. Je suis de tout coeur avec vous en pensées.
Ta cousine Johanne, je t'embrasse très fort.

Johanne Legault, January 2, 2025

Lynn Philippe Jennifer

Mes pensées sont avec vous tous. L'amour partagé sera votre réconfort. Bon courage, je vous embrasse

Chantal Legault, January 2, 2025


Nous t’offrons nos plus sincères condoléances , bon courage dans cette épreuve difficile. Nous pensons à toi.
Robert et Francine

Robert Legault , January 3, 2025

Lynn MacDonald

Aux membres de la famille de Bruce et particulièrement à vous Lynn et Jennifer, nous voulons offrir nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve et on souhaite que vous trouviez tout le réconfort possible dans l'amour de la famille et des proches.
On pense à vous! Sincères sympathies.
Brigitte et Jean-Claude Legault

Jean-Claude Legault, January 4, 2025

Make a donation :

Ottawa Heart Institute Make a donation
Heart and Stroke Foundation Make a donation