Leclair, Rita and Jack - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Leclair, Rita and Jack

LECLAIR, Rita and Jack


Celebration Announcement for Jack and Rita Leclair

A casual gathering of family and friends, celebrating each their lives will be held on Saturday, September 10 th , 2022, between the hours of 10:00 am and 12:00 (noon)  at Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative (formerly Perrin Funeral Chapel) 128 Whitewood Ave., New Liskeard, ON.

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  • Learn more Through the Heritage program, we aim to bequeath a healthier environment by planting trees. See more
  • A tree is planted in memory of the deceased
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Dear Linda ... To be hugged by your Dad JUST one more time would be heavenly! May you find peace and comfort knowing YOUR parents are/ were amazing and you are blessed dear Linda-Immensely! Sincerely, Jane

Jane McNamara Zoschke, September 3, 2022


Sorry l could make it today lwas thinking of you

Ida Hilson, September 3, 2022