Lefaivre, Raymond - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Lefaivre, Raymond


1945 - 2008

In loving memory of Raymond Lefaivre who passed away at the Temiskaming Hospital on Thursday, February 28, 2008 at the age of 62 years. Beloved husband of Donna Lefaivre (née) Hanson. Loving father of Diana and Brenda Lefaivre. Also left to mourn are his Siblings; Alice Kramp (and her husband Bill), Ron Lefaivre (and his wife Thérèse), Leonard Lefaivre (and his wife Joan), Jean-Paul Lefaivre (and his partner Joyce) and Annette Maille (and her husband Michel). A Memorial Mass will be celebrated in memory of the late Mr. Raymond Lefaivre on Wednesday March 5th , 2008 at 11 a.m. from Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church. Father John Lemire officiating. If desired donations to the Canadian Spinal Research Organization, Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Cancer society will be appreciated.

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Canadian Cancer Society Make a donation