Terrien, Paul - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Terrien, Paul


1949 - 2022

Paul left us peacefully on January 24, 2022, after suffering a sudden and irreversible brain aneurysm on January 21st. His daughters, brother, ex-spouse and sisters kept vigil by his side at the hospital in Hull, Quebec.

First and foremost an author, Paul started out as a journalist at Ottawa’s Le Droit and followed suit in Quebec City at Le Soleil and Quebec Presse. He came back to Ottawa as a Parliamentary correspondent. In time, he became a trusted senior advisor, collaborator and speech writer to two Prime Ministers, forging close bonds to the Honourable Brian Mulroney and the Honourable Stephen Harper. Prime Minister Mulroney lauded his contributions to both the Meech Lake Accord and the creation of the Francophonie summits. In statements, both have mourned his remarkable penmanship and razor-sharp wit. He also worked closely with Lawrence Cannon as his Ministerial Chief of staff at the Department of Transport and External Affairs and as his biographer. A deep connoisseur of history, he authored four books including two on the maritime history of Quebec and a history of significant speeches.

Paul filled a room with his wit, sense of humour and hearty laugh. He was a much loved colleague to many. He was described as the calm in the eye of the storm. He was also a lynchpin in our family of six siblings and played a vital part in our reunions. Closest to his heart were his two daughters, Catherine and Sophie for whom he was a steady and loving presence. He leaves behind his daughters, brother Pierre (Marie), sisters Denyse, Madeleine, Marie (Paul), Julie and six nieces.

He left us too soon and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

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4 messages received

Toute la famille Terrien

Mes profondes condoleances a toute la famille.
Je suis une grande amie de Louise Morin (cousine de Paul)

Lise Filion, February 8, 2022

À toute la famille

Je suis attristé d'apprendre le décès d'un ami, d'un mentor, de l'excellent écrivain Paul Terrien. Mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches.

Étienne Boulrice, February 9, 2022

la famille et aux amis

mes sympathies à la famille et aux amis, Paul était un bon ami du travail et à Val-Tétrault.

Alain Léon Savage, February 11, 2022


En janvier 2011 j'écrivais à Paul à la suite de la parution de son livre "Les plus grands discours de l'Histoire... " Mon cher Paul, tu nous a fait un cadeau collectif avec ce beau livre d'Histoire qui est émaillé de ton propre talent d'écrivain. Il faudrait que chaque député, tant au QUÉBEC qu'à OTTAWA en fassent la lecture pour apprécier que les plus grands discours de l'Histoire du Québec sont aussi les plus grands discours de l'Histoire du Canada. Quel travail de recherche tu as accompli. J'ai grandement apprécié tes notes d'introduction. Grâce à toi la devise du Québec retrouve tout son sens "JE ME SOUVIENS" Reçois Paul, l'expression de ma meilleure amitié. Antoine L. Normand, 9 janvier 2011.
Je joins mes sympathies à la famille de Paul en ce jour.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Antoine L. Normand, February 13, 2022