Powers, Linda - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Powers, Linda


1953 - 2017

Madame Linda Powers

It is with great sadness that we announce the peaceful death of madame Linda Powers on January 26th, 2017 at the age of  64.

Beloved wife Martin Charron of and daughter of late Patrick Powers and of late Gilberte Plouffe. She leaves behind her loving children: Dean Anderson (Sophie), Mylène Charron and Tammy Charron; her cherished grandchildren: Shawn, Francis, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Nicolas and Matthias; her only great-grand-daughter Marie-Ange. She also leaves her brother, her sister and many brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Predeceased by many brothers and sisters.

The celebration of prayers will be held at the COOPÉRATIVE FUNÉRAIRE DE L'OUTAOUAIS, at 1369, La Vérendrye O. Bvld, in Gatineau, on Sunday the 5th of February 2017 at 10:00 am. The family will receive condolences at 9:30am.

For those who wish to do so, donations to the Quebec Cancer Foundation would be appreciated.

The family wishes to thank the nurses and doctors of the Wakefield hospital for their support and there good care.

Online condolences may be made at www.cfo.coop

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6 messages received

Martin Charron and Family

So sorry for your lost. I knew Linda a very long time ago when Pat and Gilberte had Templeton Sports. R.I.P., Linda.

Margaret C. Carey, February 1, 2017

Dean Anderson et sa famille

C'est avec une immense tristesse que nous venons d'apprendre le décès de ta mère. Nous partageons ta peine dans cette grande épreuve. Malheureusement, nous ne pourrons pas assister à la cérémonie mais nous serons de tout coeur avec toi et ta famille.

Bon courage!

Francine Charette et Roger Maisonneuve , February 2, 2017

Jayne Powers

Our deepest sympathy to you and all of Linda's family and extended family. We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers in this time of sadness.

Marcel and Judy Voyer , February 3, 2017

Linda Powers

We were so sorry to hear about Linda's passing. We hope that the love of family and friends will comfort and strengthen you in the days ahead. Linda was a beautiful person and always had something witty or funny to say. She was such a loving person and she will be greatly missed.
In many cultures death only signifies the beginning of a new and wondrous journey. I wish you a new world of amazing surprises Aunt Linda.
And may the love of the universe find its way to all that miss you too

Sophia & Terry Regimbald, February 3, 2017

La famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances de la part de Diane Rainville, Jacynthe Lepage (aide ménagère camps air au bois).

Tu vas nous manquer Linda repose en paix!

Diane Rainville, February 5, 2017

Jayne and family

I was so sorry to hear of Linda's illness and very quick passing. I hope and pray that she didn't suffer and that she's now at peace.

Let her spirit last long in your hearts.

margaret webber, February 9, 2017