Woloszyn, Jozef - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Woloszyn, Jozef


1919 - 2010

VAL-D’OR – Mr Jozef Woloszyn, husband of Mrs. Stephania Kuras, died peacefully on July 7th 2010 at the age of 90, resident of Val-d’Or.

He leaves in mourning, his two sisters-in-law: Mrs Irena Kuras and Mrs Mary Woloszyn; his nephews and his nieces: Christine, Henri, John from Val-d’Or and Jozef, Khrystyna, Bogdan, Ryszard, Stephan from Ottawa and many friends and relatives.

The funeral was held on Friday July 9th, 2010 at the St-Sauveur’s church.

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