Carr, Illoma Anne (1943 - 2009) - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Carr, Illoma Anne (1943 - 2009)

CARR, Illoma Anne (1943 - 2009)


Illoma, vibrant mother and friend, who gave unconditional love and friendship to all, died January 9th, 2009. Wife to David, mother to Michael, Ian and Diana. We will remember her with love and admiration for her compassion and for the undivided attention she gave to all. Never to be forgotten, never to be replaced. Rest in peace. Funeral service to be held at Bishop’s College School, January 16th, 2009 at 14:00 hrs. No flowers please, however, donations would be welcome at La Maison Aube Lumiere, 220 Kennedy North, Sherbrooke, QC , Le Bon Dieu dans la rue, 895, rue de la Gauchetière West, Level 90, Suite 220, Montreal, QC H3B 5K3, or to your local SPCA

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