Nightingale, Elena - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Nightingale, Elena


1909 - 2010

Elena Nightingale Elena Nightingale died peacefully at the Temiskaming Lodge on February 12, 2010. She was 99 years of age . She was born in New Liskeard on December 8, 1910, to Emma and Stephen Stoner. Educated in New Liskeard, she lived there most of her life. She worked as a secretary and was a longtime member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Nightingale was predeceased in 1982 by her husband Monte Nightingale, sisters Edna Peace and Violet Maxey. She is survived by her nieces Betty Tomlinson and Ethel Gardner, nephew Bill Peace, several great-nieces and great-nephews and great-great-nephews and -nieces, and by her faithful friend Wilda Gibson. The funeral was arranged by Perrin Funeral Chapel where the service was conducted February 18 by Reverend John van Vliet. Condolences and donations may be left at

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