Timm, Donna - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Timm, Donna

TIMM, Donna

1949 - 2019

Timm, Donna Marie

On Thursday, June 13th, 2019, Donna Marie “Miss” Timm, found peace after her 2 year long battle with cancer. She was 69 years old. She will live forever in the hearts of her sons, Matthew and Logan, her husband Ron, her younger brothers Glenn and Brian, and countless students to whom she devoted 30 years of her life teaching at Hillcrest and Ridgemont High School, among others. Her laughter, passion, and love for life, and for her family and friends are only part of the legacy she leaves with us. A celebration of Donna’s life will be held at Manotick United Church, among friends, family, and loved ones, on Tuesday, June 18th at 11:00am.

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La famille

Bonjour .. On ne ce connais pas mais jai appris de votre perte et je suis vraiment désolé. Je dois vous dire mes condoléances.
Nous savions tous que la mort est un ennemie que même dieu déteste (1 corinthiens 15:26) Et nous devions être persuadé qu'il va y avoir une résurrection
(Actes 24:15 ) Les morts sont partie et sont dans la mémoire de dieu. C'est à ns de reste fidèle et agir avec amour pour dieu et foi. Moi j'ai perdu mes 2 grand père, 2 oncles et plusieurs de mes amis mais je ne sais c quoi perdre un membre de la famille. Alors je ne sais pas dans quelle situation vs êtes . Je vais prié pour vous .. Cest pas faciles mais on sait tous que mtn c comme sa mais dans le nouveau monde que dieu nous a promis sa va être different .. Prendez soin de vous et passe mes condoléances pour la famille de ma part. Merci et bonne journée.

Michael, June 17, 2019

Matt Ryan Carroll

Dear Matt,
I am only just seeing this notice now, so too late to have participated earlier today at Manotick United. I regret not having that opportunity to "pay my respects" to you and your family...I hope the service unfolded the way you'd hoped, honouring your dear Mum. I think the last time I saw her was at the visitation for Bob Fox at Pinecrest. Although I knew she was fighting illness, she seemed as strong as ever in her demeanor and speech...maybe a little bit softened around the edges :-) I loved sending David to her Athletes in Action summer camps, year after year. I found her to be respectful of all ages, competent and trustworthy, and besotted with you, her firstborn.
hugs and love,

Pam Campbell, June 18, 2019