Côté, Denis - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Côté, Denis

CÔTÉ, Denis

1948 - 2024

It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Denis Côté on July 24, 2024 at the age of 76, as well as the sudden passing of beloved elder son, Alexandre, 39 years old, on August 3, 2024. Left behind to mourn are wife and mother, Catherine, and younger son and brother, Olivier.

Denis was the eldest son of late Pierre-Emile and late Marie-Anne Côté (Marie-Ange Chayer), caring brother to Louis (Odette St-Laurent) and Bernard, godfather to Jake Levine and loving uncle to Ian, Jake and David Levine, Adina Bergstrom, Sherry Velthuysen, Candace Wilson, Marie-Hélène and Jerome Côté. He was a loving and loyal friend who will be forever missed by both the 2- legged and 4-legged beings who enriched his life.

Denis lived for many years with Primary Progressive Aphasia.  He received wonderful care and love during his last 7 years at CHSLD Ernest Brisson (Maison Bon Séjour). 

Denis was a proud Saguenéen, wonderful cook of regional specialties, maker of exceptional pies and cakes, connaisseur of fine wines and a good martini with lots of olives, host extraordinaire at Christmas and summer gatherings, lover of Sarasota, Caribbean cruises and California, but a curmudgeon when called upon to help with Christmas preparations, especially putting up the tree until it was « perfect».  He was also a wonderful - not perfect but wonderful - partner and papa.

Alexandre left this world much too soon.  During his short life, he made great friendships, spoiled his entourage with his culinary skills … like Papa, like son…and knew the joy and the power of love. In his final years, he struggled with anxiety and searched for greater meaning in his life.

A celebration in honour of Denis and Alexandre will take place at the Cooperative funéraire de l’Outaouais, 1369 La Verendrye West Boulevard, Gatineau. Catherine and Olivier will welcome visitors on August 23 at 1:15 pm, followed by a celebration of life at 2 pm. A light lunch will be served thereafter.

It will be possible to view the ceremony live or by replay at the following link: https://commemora.tv/fr/diffusions/96345

In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to a cause that will help our brothers and sisters and 4-footed friends feel that they are not alone or forgotten.



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  • Learn more Through the Heritage program, we aim to bequeath a healthier environment by planting trees. See more
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13 messages received

Cathy and family

The heavy heart I now have is somewhat relieved with all the wonderful memories of Denis.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Gerry Langill

Gerry Michael Langill, August 2, 2024

Odette et Louis

Mes pensées seront avec vous dans cette difficile journée de l’adieu

Sylvie Drouin, August 2, 2024

Louis et Odette

Je voudrais vous offrir mes plus sincères condoléances en ces moments difficiles. Yves et moi sommes de tout coeur avec vous et tous ceux qui l'ont aimé. Bon courage à vous dans cette épreuve . Sincèrement Donna & Yves

Donna &Yves Cloutier , August 2, 2024


Je tenais à t’offrir mes plus sincères condoléances.
J’ai eu l’occasion de vous côtoyer à quelques reprises Denis et toi et je n’en garde qu’un bon souvenir.
Sache aussi que ta présence à ses côtés au cours des dernières années est
un témoignage indiscutable de l’affection qui vous unissait.
Mes pensées vous accompagnent.

Viviane Perreault, August 2, 2024

Catherine et les enfants

Nos pensees vous accompagnent vous et votre famille pendant cette periode douloureuse. Nous vous souhaitons nos plus sinceres sympathies.

Louise et Rene, August 3, 2024

Odette et sa famille

Toutes nos sympathique en ce moment difficile quand ont pert un époux et un fils presque en même temps ça laisse un grand vide. Le temps cicatrise la douleur mais on oublie jamais encore Toutes nos sympathique

Therese Cyr et André Chayer, August 12, 2024

Cathy et Olivier

Dear cousin,
I have fond memories of our family reunions over the years. I will remember Denis and Alexandre fondly. My sincere condolences. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Louise , August 13, 2024


Toutes mes condoléances. Bon courage.

Angèle , August 22, 2024

Cathy and Olivier

Dear Cathy and Olivier
There are no real words to express our sadness and sympathy to you both.
Just know we are always here for you both.. whenever you need us. With much love and deepest condolences.
Sherri and Richard and family.

Sherri Marcoux, August 23, 2024

Cathy et Olivier

Salut Alex,
Salut Denys, mon chum pour toujours.
Cathy et Olivier vivement un nouveau chapitre de vie de paix et serein.

Dubois, August 23, 2024

Catherine et Olivier et Louis Côté (Odette St-Laurent)

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances, nos pensées sont avec vous.

Jacques St-Laurent et Carole Dufour, August 29, 2024


Dear Catherine,

Please receive my most heartfelt condolences on your loss. I pray for you to be blessed with strength and loving support.

Jill Anne

Jill Anne Joseph, August 31, 2024

Louis et Odette

Nos plus sincères condoléances a vous deux ainsi qu a votre famille proche. nos pensées sont avec vous.

Michel et Nicole, September 1, 2024