20 messages received
la famille de David French
Nous partageons avec vous tous, la perte de votre père, grand-père et amis bien fidèles.
Notre amitié avec David remontre à plusieurs années, et comme vous tous ,nous en garderons de bons souvenirs.
David avait le don et le plaisir de nous sortir des sentiers battus pour nous faire réfléchir.
Il nous manquera.
Sincères condoléances.
Gérard et Louise Gavrel
Gérard Gavrel , December 7, 2018
Geneviève French Queneville
Ma douce Geneviève, nous sommes de tout cœur avec toi, avec vous tous, dans cette épreuve.
La perte d'un de nos parents est déchirant et sachant le lien si spécial qui vous unissait, je sais que la perte est immense pour toi.
Bon courage . Tiens bon. Et merci , pour lui, pour tout le temps que tu as investi avec lui ces dernières années.
Bisous à partager avec Alexandre et tes enfants.
Michèle, Rob et Jaël
Michèle Labelle, December 7, 2018
Alexandre & Geneviève French
A fine gentleman of superior intellect. It was my pleasure and indeed honour to have met David. My sincere condolences.
Gilbert Lance, December 7, 2018
The family of David French
Please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss. David was an entirely unique and fascinating human being, a big personality full of stories and ideas, always curious about an eclectic range of topics, passionate about ways to make the world a better place. I will always remember how unfailingly kind he was to me, and I am saddened to hear of his passing. He will be missed.
Tunde Nemeth, December 7, 2018
Thank you for having enriched my life. Through our numerous discussions, with your inquisitive and forever probing persona, combined with your vast knowledge base and unique ability to communicate, you have enriched me, and many others. What to say of your ability to tell a story, question a theory, debate an assumption? They were always tantalising, stimulating, enriching.
I'll miss you my friend.
Gaston, December 8, 2018
David French's Family
I am an IP attorney, in the U.S. I met David by phone, in the 1980s, and he became my Canadian associate, filing patent and trademark applications in Canada for my U.S. clients. David was an erudite and personable man, and a pleasure to work with. He always had time to provide me with some needed background on the details of Canadian patent law, and I always valued his advice. I was sorry when he retired, years ago, and am sorry to hear of his passing.
William H. Eilberg, December 8, 2018
David & Family...
I’m sad to hear the news about David. I had the pleasure to meet David at ICCF18 and lately at 12th International workshop in Italy. We also had some brief email correspondence. David was a person that made an impact, his sharp intellect, humble personality and broad and deep knowledge was all impressive. He was a warm and caring person that you just liked. I will miss David and want to thank him for our interactions.
Bo SM6FIE, December 9, 2018
À la famille et aux amis de David
You were a compassionate and erudite fellow traveler. I first met you in Williamsburg, VA years ago at a conference and I'm glad we spent time in Fort Collins this past June at another conference. You also got to relive an unexpected journey of your youth: hitchhiking!
Vous allez me manquer.
Au revoir, cher ami,
Lawrence Forsley, December 9, 2018
David French and Family
David contributed greatly to my life and lives of others. He was the most curious person I have ever met. His generosity of spirit was exemplary. His passing is a great loss. My condolences to his family. Ken Staroszik, Calgary
Ken Staroszik, December 9, 2018
David French
Met David a number of years ago as a member of EVCO. David was an earnest contributor to the group, well liked and respected. He took a few of us sailing out of Aylmer one evening. We lost track of each other when I left EVCO at the end of my term. I remember
John Deland, December 9, 2018
David's Family
It was a shock to see the obituary of David French in the Globe and Mail of Saturday December 8, 2018.
I have known David for over 40 years as I am in the Intellectual Property area too. David assisted me, a non-litigator, in several matters and his advice was always top notch, particularly in settling litigation matters. Sailing with David out of the Aylmer Yacht Club is also one of my highlights in memory - what a loss.
Please extend my condolences to the family, and I am sorry to have learned only from this obituary that he had a struggle with cancer.
John Singlehurst of Finlayson & Singlehurst
Mr. John Singlehurst, December 10, 2018
David French's Family
David had told me privately about his battle with cancer, but his passing was still a shock. He had just called me and left a message on the day before. I first met David in 2012 at an International cold fusion conference (ICCF-17) in Daejeon, Korea and began a shared interest in this controversial topic. We shared a room at ICCF-19 in Italy and again last summer at ICCF-21 in Colorado. David French was a great help in my obtaining a recent U.S. patent relating to a new type of battery. I will greatly miss our association and many telephone conversations. I believe we will meet again someday in a better world.
Mel Miles
Melvin H. Miles, December 10, 2018
Alexandre et Genevève French, conjoints et petits-enfants
C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j'ai appris le décès de votre papa et grand papa. Même si nous le savions vraiment malade la nouvelle nous surprend toujours car l'espoir d'une remise à plus tard est toujours là. David avait conservé son émerveillement d'enfant devant la nouveauté. La curiosité et la découverte étaient pour lui la seule véritable façon de vivre. Un remarquable intellect. C'est pourquoi il n'a jamais accepté de s'installer bien confortable dans ses pantouffles. Très tôt enfants Il vous a exposé aux joies et plaisirs du voyage. Il va nous manquer. Je garderai toujours un bon souvenir de lui, son petit côté excentrique toujours à l'affût du surprenant de l'innatendu et de l'exceptionel mettait du piquant dans nos vies, emmenait les autres à sortir de leur zone de confort. Bien heureux de l'avoir connu. Bon dernier voyage David.
Jean Veillette, December 10, 2018
What a lovely tribute to David! I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that you are being thought of in our prayers.
Jennifer Sondergaard, December 10, 2018
la famille
J'ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer David lors de plusieurs conférences dédiées à la science nucléaire dans la matière condensée. David s'intéressait beaucoup à ces phénomènes physiques, ce qui montre que ses centres d'intérêt étaient bien plus larges que la propriété intellectuelle. Il m'a invité à étudier sous un angle nouveau une expérience passée, et nous avons présenté en juin dernier à Fort Collins (CO) un travail commun (avec Douglas Yuill en co-auteur).
Je garderai de David le souvenir d'un homme très courtois et ouvert aux idées des autres. Ses remarques toujours pertinentes vont nous manquer, ainsi que son sourire grâce auquel il savait générer autour de lui l'envie de cultiver sa compagnie.
Je présente mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille, en mon nom, ainsi qu'au nom des membres de la Société Française de la Science Nucléaire dans la Matière Condensée.
Jacques Ruer
Président SFSNMC
Jacques Ruer, December 11, 2018
Alexandre, Genevieve and Sherry
We are very sorry to hear about David's passing. We have many fond memories of his visits with you kids. He was a good man full of kindness and warmth. He will surely be missed.
Sending love to you all.
Lee and family
Lee stamp, December 11, 2018
The family and friends of David French
I have known David over many years and it has been a pleasure to know him and to be with him; he was an amazing person, full of energy, humour, insights, and kindness. David was generous and thoughtful. He had a strong and imposing presence, yet he was humble.
I will treasure my memories of David. As I write this, he brings a smile to my face.
Just a great guy!
Ken Prevost, December 12, 2018
David's family
I'm so sorry to hear of David's passing. I used to run a Sierra Club discussion group on adapting to what we thought would become a Peak Oil crisis. At one such meeting, into the middle of our rag-tag bunch of activists, came this Suit, an imposing, quiet figure in a 3-piece and tie. Uhh, wrong room? But no, he surprised us with wonderful insights that tied together many issues we were concerned with, from green construction to economics and history. We looked forward to enrichment each time he attended our discussions. As an earlier tribute-writer wrote, erudite. (I had to look up the word, but it fits him to a 't'. As did his tie.)
I'm grateful to have known David. Indeed, a life very well lived.
Terry Newcombe, December 15, 2018
-Geneviève French Quenneville et Michèle Quenneville
Mes sincères condoléances à vous deux et vos familles.
Hélène Garand, December 26, 2018
Alex, Genevieve and the French family, and Barbara
David was my friend, sailboat partner, patent agent colleague, and fellow electric vehicle aficionado. We would have lenghty and passionate debates about technology, science, society and philosophy. He was an eloquent orator and was always entertaining, inspiring and provocative. He worked hard his whole life to understand people, something that comes more naturally to others. He had many friends. He lived life to the fullest even to the last day. He continues to be an inspiration to me and I miss him.
Marcel van der Sluis, February 7, 2019