Larue, Bert - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Larue, Bert



Passed away peacefully at his residence in Fitch Bay on Saturday, April 19, 2008, at the age of 84. Dear father of Shirley, Allan, Joan and Bryan, and loving brother of Eleanor. Bert will also be sadly missed by his nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. A funeral service will be held in St. Mathias Anglican Church in Fitch Bay, Qc. On Thursday, April 24, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. with Reverend Barbara Wintle officiating, followed by interment in Brookside Cemetery. As a tribute to his memory, donations made to the St. Mathias Anglican Church, c/o Mr. Donald Wharry, 2750 Ch. de Fitch Bay, Canton de Stanstead, Qc. J1X 3W4, would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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